Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fall...My favorite time of year!

Oh, I just LOVE Fall....and nothing quite says 'Fall' to me like our annual King Family trip to Bates Nut Farm....for me, and I think for my family as well, Fall is the gateway to the holiday season. Next to Christmas, our trip to Bates is a major family event.

We absolutely LOVE the holiday all kicks off, of course, with Bates. This year we have two new family members joining us. Our new daughter-in-law Jessica, and our newest granddaughter Peyton. Jess had to work last year, so she missed our outing, and Peyton was there, but in utero, so she really didn't get to 'see' anything.

Of course, last year's outing was cut way short due to the Witch Fire, but we're holding positive thoughts this year.

It's so much fun to watch the little kid's eyes as they take in everything, finally zooming in on the petting corral and the rides. And ohhhh....the spices and such-it just does wonders for a person's well-being. I feel like we adults revert back to childhood when we're at Bates...we're all giggly and happy and carefree, and looking forward to our traditional hayride and family picture, complete with the special pumpkins that everyone has chosen for their very own masterpiece.

The store itself is fantabulous! Oh man, I could spend HOURS in there! Then of course, there's the kettle corn....yummm! Gotta buy a bag on the way home to munch on! There are all kinds of booths set up, from artwork, to ceramics, to food. It's all there-something for everyone.

We'll head over to Jimmy & Jess' house later, to carve out pumpkins, have dinner, and start our first annual King Family Fall Baking Party....not to be confused with the King Family Christmas Baking Party in December...and of course, anyone that would like to join is is more than welcome! We're all about family parties and traditions, and the more the merrier, so C'mon over!

This will be Peyton's first Christmas, and I can't wait. She'll be just shy of a year old (my gosh! Where did the time go???), and as with Alissa and Justen when they were babies, I can't wait to see her reaction to everything.

Between now and Christmas will be a total blur of activity, between birthday parties, baby showers, family outings, the birth of Jessica & Andrew LaTour's baby girl in early Dec. (can't wait to meet her!!!), and of course, topping it all of...Christmas, the day we celebrate the birth of our Saviour.

These things we look forward to, because in today's world, with all the economic hardships and everything else, it just does a soul good to be able to connect with family, and let all the drama go, even if only for a day. It's times like these that I greatfully thank God for, because my family is intact, and nearby, and able to come together at will.

My advice to you: if you have a pumpkin patch in your community, grab your family and close friends and GO. It doesn't cost anything but time-and a little gas-to go. This is what family traditions and memories are made of. This is what Alissa, Justen, and Peyton will remember. This is what we adults look back on, with such happy memories. These are special family bonding times, times that God has blessed us with. Take them and run...and remember.....good times!



Shannon said...

I remember all of us going to the Christmas tree farm to cut down a tree when we were little. but please.. don't stick christmas bows on poor baby Peytons head! It wasn't cute when we did it to alissa and justen and it wont be cute now :) I can't wait for the hay ride!